Writing Life, One Word at a Time

Works in Progress

The High Tide Killer

Beautiful red head murders her rich husband out behind his Panama City Beach mansion. She finds it necessary to eliminate several accuser–curiously each washed over by  an incoming  high tide–just like her husband.

The Ice Pick Murders

Ben’s temporary roomer–a dashing blond relative– finds an ice pick used properly is a deadly but less messy murder weapon. She uses one to solve her problems. One after another.

Kristen’s World

She wants a good life and could have it all, but her life style continually brings her close to jail or death–how will it end.

Giles and Duke Roberts

A tale of a Noble  British youth, of Robin Hood’s time, who becomes fast friends with a commoner’s son. The castle . the moat, the knight’s weapons and armour, and the forest are their playground. The Black Night is a constant enemy of Duke Robert’s father and is a player in the castles life.


Jacob’s family life, financial well being, and sanity is put in turmoil when he persues the mistaken idea that he and Casey Anthony ( of Orlando Florida  child murder fame) are ordained to be a couple.